The Wulguru Group brings over 40 years of expertise in the food processing industry, offering comprehensive design and manufacturing solutions for various applications, including the meat, dairy, seafood, grain, sugar industries, and more.
In addition to equipment manufacturing, Wulguru Steel provides a technology transfer service that covers plant design and layout, project management, mechanical services design, refrigeration plant design, electrical services design, marketing, maintenance, energy surveys, and usage monitoring.
Our team includes personnel with extensive hands-on operational experience in the food industry. Leveraging our diverse network of industry contacts, we can deploy experts to food processing plants to train new staff in the management and operation of modern food industry facilities.
We offer guidance on plant and process layout, construction, operational management, and can oversee the complete project installation from start to finish.
Enquiry Form

17 Doyle Court, Stuart, Qld 4811
PO Box 2144, Idalia Qld 4811
Phone 07 4721 7400